Cross Border Trade, Partnership & Match Making Procurement

AG works on collaborating mid-caps with start-up as Customer, supplier or innovation partner.

Also finding right business opportunity for entrepreneurs beyond local  geographical boundary & helping to build up ecosystem with available resource .Participating midcaps are faster at making decisions and signing deals when compared with larger companies.

Seminar & Networking Events for National & Global Access

we organise & collaborate with various national & international organization seminar Conference & master class to leverage the power of network & learn the latest happening in International arena & also to show their Product,service & technology innovations.

Entry Strategy

New territory is always challenging .Our global network of Advisors & Consultants can help with Market Intelligence & Feasibility Surveys , Entry Compliance Management ,Strategic Marketing & Branding & Liasoning for establishing & setting office in India & abroad.

Investment Felicitation

Finding the right business & use the prudence to invest fund is a critical task. We extend our expertise to make it easier for investor to establish & expand their investment in host countries.

We help to create right investment friendly legal & business climate for investors offering proper information about predictability & stability of Policy environment & resources.

Corporate Value Consulting

On measuring value while helping organisation make better & informed decision, we work on Financial reporting Regulatory compliance building valuation portfolio & handing dispute to expedite deal process.

We help with strategic value consulting with business portfolio analysis, Investment appraisal & restructuring.

M & A

Most M & A takes long term complicated routes. A seller needs to envision the process buyer will adopt to evaluate the potentiality.

Many litigations may be there, issues related to Intellectual property right may be there. Private & equity buyer take stringent due diligence measure to check the feasibility & future potential of their investment.

Our advisors helps to create customised strategic plan to organise diligence, evaluate structure, cash management including valuable tax attribute, Tax structuring & planning , transaction integration & planning also Buyer & seller side tax due diligence.

Ready to explore the next level business expedition

Gain more insight, talk to our mentors and reveal the success of business